In-House: Belgian Institute of Company Lawyers

Brussels Legal spoke with the IBJ/IJE's General Manager, Anne De Wolf.

We asked Ms. De Wolf about the organisation's purpose and activities.

BL: What does the IBJ/IJE do?

ADW: The purpose of the Institute is to unite all the country's company lawyers and, among other things, to forge links with other legal professions (such as magistrates, notaries public, barristers/solicitors, law professors and bailiffs).

Its legal mission is to expand the activities of the company lawyers and to supervise the training of its members in order to guarantee the quality of assignments undertaken by company lawyers, which can only benefit the individual companies and business in general.

BL: So to illustrate, what type of IBJ/IJE events and activities have recently taken place?

ADW: The IBJ/IJE frequently organises 'lunch debates' in cooperation with important law firms. Recently there were such debates in Brussels, Charleroi and Liège in cooperation with Philippe & Partners. Other frequent activities are the organisation of seminars, practice groups, permanent education and conferences.

BL: The IBJ/IJE was created in March 2000. Why was it felt there was a need for the IBJ/IJE in the first place and how has it grown since then?

ADW: The Belgian legislator believes that it is of general interest to promote legal consultation, especially in the business world, and to ensure that this juridical advice is passed on from business lawyers to their employers in complete intellectual independence.

This is why the Belgian Parliament approved the Law of March 1st 2000 to establish the Institute of Company Lawyers. To enable company lawyers, who constantly operate within a company, to fully practise their mission, their provided recommendations are henceforth covered by legislative confidentiality.

The Institute has grown ever since by enlarging its membership list and offering all kinds of devices to its members to develop their judicial skills.

BL: How much does it cost to join the IBJ/IJE and where can someone interested in joining find out more information?

: Annual membership of the Institute costs € 225. More information on the Institute can be found on its website (Flemish or French).

Related Information

The European Company Lawyers' Association (ECLA) is the European association of national In-House counsel associations. ECLA deals with a variety of issues including In-House privilege, best practice and the desirability of class actions. Check out the ECLA website for more information.

Author: Brussels Legal
First published: 18 January 2006
Last updated: 15 March
Location: Brussels Legal/Brussels Newcomer/Useful Organisations
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