Blog Week 64: The invisible man.

Sunday 11 February 2007 21.43

I alluded to Laurel & Hardy's office absence last week. He has hardly been here a few weeks and his lack of presence is becoming an office joke.

L&H is supposed to be covering for Pierre. Instead we seem to be covering for L&H. For example on Friday Old Timer had to attend an inter-office telephone conference as L&H suddenly could not attend. It is nearly always the same excuse. Either "personal matters" or "private issues" have arisen. If we are lucky we get an email. Otherwise we find out the hard way.

His inbox gets bigger and bigger. I know as I am waiting for his approval on a number of matters. Anyone at a lower level would not get away with such behaviour. Even the people known for pulling sickies once a month have the common sense to get a doctor's note.

L&H has no one monitoring him. Bill and the other partners are too busy. Everyone in L&H's home office assumes he is doing a great job because that is what he is telling them and no one else has said anything to the contrary. It's a fantastic position: moving between offices, accountable to no one. Just like a cloud, visible but not touchable.

At least in the short-term...

Tuesday 13 February 23.16

Neanderthal's arrival time campaign persists, but now in a more furtive fashion.

A couple of lawyers, originating from a warmer climate, are known for arriving later than everyone else. But they work much harder while they are here. With less time for idle chit-chat.

Today Neanderthal had a quiet word with them. I don't know the details. But he appeared and then disappeared like a ghost. They are not so senior so perhaps they follow his advice. Or maybe they will just ignore him. Or maybe they will just talk to Bill.

Wednesday 14 February 23.49

Today is no different to any other. Yet it has been a happier day compared to last year. My own man is and will remain invisible (no one wants to hear another Bridget Jones in Brussels). But too many here spend too much time avoiding the real passion in their lives.

Previous Entry - Blog Week 63: Neolithic gnarls.

Next Entry - Blog Week 65: Managing to mismanage.

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