Blog Week 71: Coming and going.

Sunday 1 April 22.06

And, following Thursday's post, now I am hooked. I think I have identified the love-to-hate character(s) already. Nice of the BBC to give overseas visitors access to the online videos. Roll on Wednesday...

Did you see today's April's Fools jokes from Google? Two free services: one offering free in-house broadband via your sewage system, another delivering free paper printouts of your email. Very funny.

Monday 2 April 23.57

In amongst the Easter quiet some new people arrived today. Pierre is back - hurrah! We didn't get a chance to talk much today. He already had one fire to fight.

As well as a couple of support staff, a referendar (like a German trainee) has joined. The referendar has such a nonchalant attitude I am going to call her Too Kool (as in too-cool-for-school). I know I don't always know what is going on, but with some people I feel I can read pdq. The office has a few characters with a certain attitude. But she is the first one I have come across who has arrived with that attitude. Lets see how long it lasts.

Wednesday 4 April 23.58

The office seems simultaneously empty and busy at the same time. Empty because of the holiday and busy due to a particular SO. Too Kool is working for Hairy Potter at the moment. I understand Hairy wanted Too Kool on her team, for some specific reason. No fireworks so far.

The emptiness has caused Pierre's lunch meeting with staff to be postponed. Indefinitely. Some things don't change.

Well the Apprentice was exciting tonight. No less than two firiings. Speaking of which, Old Timer mentioned to me yesterday that Laurel & Hardy has finally been fired. L&H had been telling each office how he was busy with the other offices work and actually been doing next to nothing. Old Timer has promised to tell me the whole story. Can't wait to tell you...

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