Blog Week 73: Glimpsing the skeletons in other people's closets.

Sunday 15 April 23.02

Gorgeous summer weather this weekend - and it's only the middle of April! Friday's lunch was interesting. Originally it was meant to be just me and Old Timer. But at the last minute Pierre came along. I had not realised how much he has changed during his sick-leave. He was really open; so too was Old Timer and it became a long, Friday lunch with a lot more to tell you later this week...

Sunday 15 April 23.18

Not as hot as last weekend, but still ever so sunny. Was kayaking in the Ardennes. Give it a go if you get the chance.

Monday 16 April 23.36

So Old Timer and Pierre started off talking about Mockney's IT gripes (you know: the firm's attitude to IT and Mockney's role). Unknown to me (and Mockney) the firm is actually reviewing all its IT systems. The costs are viewed as too high and, apparently, can be cut substantially (like has happened in some other law firms). Some external specialists are undertaking the review.

But our IT guys are not really "in the loop" about that. Due to their past behaviour, they are not entirely viewed in a positive way by the "powers that be".

as really open; so too was Old Timer and it became a long, Friday lunch with a lot more to tell you later this week...

Tuesday 17 April 22.44

Can't write anything more for the moment. Have come down with a nasty cold and am feeling a bit low. Will tell you what I heard later in the week.

Friday 20 April 18.34

One way or another it has been an unusual week. Since I got back to work everything has been so busy. So here I am blogging on a Friday evening.

Anyway returning to the conversation of Old Timer and Pierre on last Friday's lunch, I'll keep most of the gossip for another day. There was one interesting ongoing matter that concerns Hairy. Old Timer said from this coming week some of our lawyers and some from another firm will be working together on one particular matter. Hairy will be involved and, before joining us, she first worked at another firm. Overall it was not a great experience. But how often is that the case? People make their mistakes, learn and move on. Right? Anyway she may have participated in some (so far) unspecified dangerous liaisons at that firm and, unknown to her, will be reunited with a ghost from her past. Not so much an old flame as an old ghoul.

Am looking forward to the sequel...


Previous Entry - Blog Week 72: Why does IT matter?

Next Entry - Blog Week 74: The ghoul, the bard and the bubbly.

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