Blog Week 82: Dot by dot, making the connections.

Sunday 17 June 23.46

Over the past months I have mentioned different events around the office, such as the firm's recent openess to IT changes, reviewing our Knowledge Management systems and the employee evaluations last year. I failed to make any of the connections as they were mainly not standalone events. But actually interwoven threads connected by a particular theme. At least I have started to join the dots since last Thursday's lunch. But I still feel a bit stupid.

There was always discussion about savings floating around in the background, but not like now. Brussels is not an extravagant office; certainly compared to the stories I've heard about some of the firm's other offices. So the consequences of this cost-cutting still remain unclear to me.

Monday 18 June 23.48

Today I saw Hairy having lunch with her "ghoul". I wonder if her stony heart has been pricked? They looked like they were getting on very well.

We are having a staff garden party this Thursday evening. It is taking place this year at Bill's mansion outside Brussels. Certainly that is cheaper than hiring a venue.

An outstanding venue has been selected instead for our upcoming summer cocktail party. We have the usual mix invited to that. I hope it will be as insightful as in the past.

Wednesday 20 June 23.13

A non-financial subject that got quite some partner attention at the recent retreat was young associates' "social ease". Odd phrase "social ease" - basically it means the way our new and relatively new lawyers behave in front of actual and potential clients. Someone somewhere has identified that some lawyers are not as socially adept as they like to think they are.

I have been "tasked" with finding someone to talk to our young lawyers about this subject. No idea where to start looking. Pierre says if I don't find anyone suitable, then they'll get someone over from Paris or London.

Imagine getting paid to teach lawyers how to behave in social situations? Money leaks out of this office in all directions. Sometimes on the most pointless exercises. While at the same time we have to start planning budget cuts.

Friday 22 June 01.36

Despite the mixed weather the cocktail party was great fun. Will blog more on Sunday.


Previous Entry - Blog Week 81: An undetected seismic shift.

Next Entry - Blog Week 83: A new entrant's maverick behaviour.

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