Blog Week 112: Fait(es) accompli(shed).

Sunday 13 January 22.24

Calamity James was not calamitous at all. I was expecting some Mr. Bean-type to lurch in on Friday afternoon, trip over the rug in reception and cause the fire alarm to go off. But not all: he was a quietly spoken, confident guy. Once again it shows the dangers of nicknaming people around the office...

Monday 14 January 21.52

Another day, another announcement: Hairy and Mockney have been promoted to counsel. I thought there would be celebrations of some sort; cartwheels down the corridor or something equally typical for an international law office in Brussels. But instead nothing. No one really said anything, only a strange silence. Maybe I don't know what is going on. It won't be the first time.

My boss Pierre was back today. He looked lousy and had a really chesty cough. As we spoke I tried to keep my distance. In my opinion he needs another week off. But he is sufficiently political to need to remain visible, not simply accessible.

Tuesday 15 January 23.39

Well no sooner has Hairy been promoted but she has announced she is leaving to join Bill. Not only that - but she goes by the end of the week! The press release about her and Shakespeare's promotion was only posted on our website yesterday and now already... Anyway it's not my problem.

It remains unclear who knew what when. Shakespeare is apparently put out because Bill did not ask him to join. Only Shakespeare won't admit that. Mockney is apparently put out because (yet again - hehe) he did not know this news in advance. Only he won't admit that.

The thorny issue of Bill's clients following Bill is about to get thornier. There was some vague hope that some clients who recently had dealt more with Hairy might be persuaded to remain given her promotion. Well that idea has just been blown out of the water. Even after he has left - Bill still rules. Respect (as Mockney would say).

Wednesday 16 January 23.18

Neanderthal has brought forward a partners' meeting to next week. So Pierre has postponed our meeting till after that partners meeting. No one is sure what course of action we will be taking thereafter.

Thursday 17 January 23.25

As Hairy prepares to leave, the vultures are circling above, preparing to swoop in on their prey - the leftover contents of her office. For some there is a "January sales" feel, the anticipated frission of picking up a bargain. One or two have signalled an interest in the office itself. The degree of sitting comfort for everyone remains a never-ending saga.

But the suddeness of Hairy's departure is not to my mind the most suspicious aspect of this matter. There actually is not that much to organise in her particular move. It is like it has been planned for a little while and the execution has already been underway... Anyway I have to buy a farewell gift again. Perhaps a set of books by JK Rowling?


Previous Entry - Blog Week 111: Coughing and ventilating around a spinning office.

Next Entry - Blog Week 113: Office insecurities.

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