Edmon Oude Elferink, Competition Law Partner with CMS

10th May 2011

10 May, 2011 As of the 1st of May, 2011 the practice group Competition Law of CMS Derks Star Busmann was enriched by the arrival of Edmon Oude Elferink. He operates as a partner from the CMS EU Law Office in Brussels.

Edmon (1975) is a European Law and Competition Law specialist. The past three years he has worked as a law clerk at the Court of Justice of the European Union. His activities focused on providing assistance in cartel and state aid cases. His work in Luxemburg has made him well informed about the ins and outs of European Union institutions and European judicial procedures. Edmon’s knowledge and expertise complement the present practice group Competition Law of CMS.

Until his appointment as law clerk Edmon worked as a lawyer with Houthoff Buruma in Brussels and before that with Pels Rijken & Droogleever Fortuin in The Hague.

CMS Derks Star Busmann is a leading commercial law firm in the Netherlands with 200 attorneys at law, civil law notaries and tax advisers. It offers legal and tax services from offices in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Brussels, to a wide range of companies, public sector bodies and organisations. Visit www.cms-dsb.com for more information.

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