Atsumi & Sakai Announces Establishment of Brussels Office
1st May 2024
Atsumi & Sakai is pleased to announce the establishment of our Brussels office. The Brussels office will enable us to support our clients' European business development, in collaboration with our European offices in London and Frankfurt. Atsumi & Sakai’s Brussels office focuses on European Union (EU) competition law, while also providing advice on a wide range of other matters involving EU law. Ms. Kameoka, the representative partner of the Brussels office, has extensive experience, with over 20 years working at a law firm in Brussels that specializes in EU competition law.
Atsumi & Sakai includes among its team many non-Japanese lawyers which enables us to provide advice on global projects that influence the Japanese market. In terms of Japanese law, we provide legal advice by Japanese attorneys in collaboration with members of our Tokyo, London and other offices, allowing us to offer our clients a broad range of legal services from the perspectives of matters both outbound from Japan and inbound to Japan.
* Representative partner Etsuko Kameoka is not a lawyer registered in Japan, and does not provide legal advice on Japanese law or any advice on legal matters in Japan, including EU law and Japanese law.
We have the highest gender diversity among the largest law firms in Japan. Represented by a female attorney, the Brussels office aims to meet the diverse needs of our clients by utilizing our extensive local network and experience, and to guide our clients in their overseas expansion and local operations.
Office Name: Atsumi & Sakai Brussels EU
Address: Chaussée de la Hulpe 185, 1170, Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: + 32-470-85-19-07
Representative: Etsuko Kameoka (Representative Partner)
Lawyer admitted in New York/Brussels Bar (B-List)
* Not Registered as a Foreign Lawyer in Japan
The main areas of practice of our European offices are EU competition law (advice on cartels, business combination regulations, regulations on abuse of dominant positions, horizontal or vertical restraints, state aid, foreign subsidies regulations, etc.), digital business operator regulations, EU trade laws (advice on customs law, advice on the EPA negotiations, economic sanctions, foreign direct investment regulations, etc.), import control regulations, intellectual property protection, personal information protection (GDPR, etc.), various regulations under the European Green Deal policies, cross border M&A, various contracts, compliance with regulations related to antitrust and competition laws, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution procedures (litigation, arbitration), etc.
For more information, please read the press release.