Development of Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law

Date: 10 May 2022

Time: 09:45

Duration: 3 days

Location: Luxembourg (LU) & Online

Cost: € 900 - € 1000

Organiser: ECJL - European Centre for Judges and Lawyers/EIPA Luxembourg

Web Link:


This course covers the development of the private enforcement of EU competition law.

The aim is to:

  • explain the main legal issues related to private enforcement of EU competition law;
  • offer a synthesis of the most important case law related to private enforcement of EU competition law;
  • provide a practical analysis of the litigation related to action for damages for anticompetitive practices.

Accordingly, the course will focus on:

  • the main inputs linked to the recent trends in the case law of the CJUE;
  • the Commission’s report on the implementation of the Damages Directive;
  • the adjustments of national rules to comply with the objectives of the antitrust Damages Directive, namely Directive 2014/104/EU (the ‘Directive’);
  • the impact of the transposition of the Damages Directive on the development of private enforcement in Europe;
  • the list of obstacles to damages actions brought before national courts by victims of anticompetitive behaviour;
  • the practical solution to remove obstacles to damages actions and to ensure the effectiveness of private enforcement in Europe.

What will you learn

Participants will learn the most important topics inherent to private enforcement:

  • the importance of the principle of full compensation for damages in the light of the most recent jurisprudence in Europe;
  • the clarification on access to evidence for the parties in antitrust litigation;
  • the analysis of the evidentiary value of decisions rendered in follow-on actions and their impact on stand-alone actions;
  • the upward and downward liability in private enforcement;
  • the setting-up of limitation period rules to ensure that victims have sufficient time to bring an action;
  • the legal consequences of ‘passing on’ overcharges to prove the damage suffered;
  • the tools for a better quantification of damages.

Course methodology/highlights

The sessions will be delivered by experts presenting key topics. These will all be followed periods of Q & A allowing for the exchange of ideas, and discussions where participants will have the opportunity to share professional experiences.

Participants will have the opportunity to test their knowledge on private enforcement of EU competition law through workshops and interactive presentations.

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